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Show longer-term statistics for characters due

Foo Choo Choon   October 6th, 2010 11:43a.m.

When studying at standard pace, I usually aim to have about 300 characters due each day. The statistics on the practice page that were introduced some time ago have so far enabled me to target level quite well.

However, the ability to target this figure diminishes day by day as characters and words move to longer-term intervals. This means that the next six/seven days no longer reflect the long-term trend. I may have a long-term trend of averaging 300+ items, but the next seven days only show about 200 items a day as I have already reduced the due numbers by studying at levels below 100% (e.g. 95%).

Thus I would be glad if you could introduce longer-term statistics, e.g. the possibility to show the due statistics for the whole month.

nick   October 6th, 2010 11:26p.m.

The interface for this could get tough if we want it to extend from the practice nav page. I wonder how many others would be interested? It is something we could do if it's useful to many, but my guess is that not too many people are heavily using it that way.

Thomas   October 7th, 2010 12:38a.m.

Maybe totals for all of week 2, 3, and 4 rather than each day?

It would be interesting to see but not something I use as often as this week's forecast

FatDragon   October 7th, 2010 12:39a.m.

I feel like it balances itself out fairly well on its own - if you overstudy, you'll tend to add more words. If you add too many words, you'll not be able to keep up with your coming-due items, and you'll consequently add fewer until you catch up.

In addition, I don't really see how you could tailor your study to increase those short-term coming-due totals without increasing the long-term totals as well - if you maintain the right kind of consistency, you should be able to get into a groove, but I don't think it's something you can tweak from day to day.

jcardenio   October 7th, 2010 12:39a.m.

I'd be interested in something like this as well. I use it in the exact same way. I look at the number of words due over the course of the next week to gauge about how much adding I can do without it getting overwhelming. A more long term statistic would be nice.

Maybe do something like add an additional value for the average number of items due per day for the next month? Or a separate more detailed page different than the practice page?

Something else I was thinking about, (but I'm not sure if it makes any theoretical sense): it would be cool to be able to click on a day in the next week and practice the words that are going to come due that day. Like if I will be gone friday, but have some spare time monday, I could study the friday items early. It'd probably be hard to do, but just a thought.

skritterjohan   October 7th, 2010 4:47a.m.

I would like this kind of feature aswell, per day if possible.

jcdoss   October 7th, 2010 10:01a.m.

I'm trying not to get too bogged down in statistics, items coming due, etc. Rather, I just try to practice for the same 20-30 minutes per day and add new items based on the size of my queue (the smaller the queue, the faster I add new stuff). It seems to keep things fairly stable, so I don't think I need anything new to muck things up.

Jose   October 7th, 2010 12:23p.m.

I try to practice 30 minutes per day too... but I wonder it there is a way to know if I'm doing over/under practice.

jcdoss   October 7th, 2010 12:32p.m.

You won't know for sure until you wake up and find yourself in China (or Japan, as the case may be). I try not to get too pre-occupied with the numbers on the screen, although I do admit to breaking into a sweat when I had to skip a weekend and approached 1000 items due. For big queues like that, I click the little green "+" once every hundred items. If I get down below 100, I start clicking once every 20. It seems to keep my queue stable at around 200/day for Japanese and 350-400/day for Mandarin. Mandarin is higher because (a) I'm less familiar with it and (b) there's more items per word. Doing it this way "keeps me regular," so to speak.

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