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question about the SRS algorithm

jww1066   June 3rd, 2010 7:30p.m.

Hi, I'm back after 2 weeks driving around California and I have a gigantic queue of items due (almost 3,000). I'm getting lots of things wrong, of course, but in a few cases I manage to remember something even though it's horribly overdue. Does Skritter take into account the amount of time the item was overdue when it reschedules the next repetition?

Let me give a concrete example. Suppose on January 1st I learn "大便" and I practice it for a while, so it's now due on January 2nd. If I were to review it on January 3rd, and if I were to get it right, let's assume it would be rescheduled for two days later, on January 5th. However, instead of reviewing on January 3rd, I go away for a year. When I next review "大便", let's say I get it right. Will that item then be scheduled something like two days in the future, because I've only reviewed it a few times? Or will it be scheduled further out, because I successfully remembered it after a year?


nick   June 3rd, 2010 8:31p.m.

Much further out than two days. In this case, the system identifies that it must have been really easy if you remembered it after that long and pushes it way back. It actually depends heavily on how your scheduling has been adapted just how far it pushes it out in this case, anywhere from 5 months to 2.6 years. (You'd be at about 7 months.)

So on the ones you get right after so long, it is efficient because you spend less overall reviews on them (the system having guessed that they're easier).

jww1066   June 3rd, 2010 10:23p.m.

Great! Anki does it the other way (i.e. disregarding the actual calendar time that has passed) but I think it's better to take it into account.

Byzanti   June 4th, 2010 12:16p.m.

So Skritter does some kind of personalised scheduling?

jww1066   June 4th, 2010 12:22p.m.

Oh yeah. The repeat interval (i.e. the delay for when you forget things) adapts to how well you remember after certain lengths of time, for example.

nick   June 4th, 2010 12:25p.m.

Yes. Depending on the type of prompt (writing, tone, reading, definition), whether you got it right, and the interval (new, under 20 minutes, under 5 hours, under 8 days, over 8 days), it will adjust your interval multiplier depending on how often you get prompts in that category right and wrong versus your selected retention rate.

Byzanti   June 4th, 2010 12:58p.m.

Ah! Perhaps this data could be put on the revised progress page when it's done?

I'm wondering if Skritter is countering my manipulation of things... I seem to be forgetting more than I should be.

Str? Con? Pah, -2 -2, +4 dex!

murrayjames   June 5th, 2010 4:37p.m.

Byzanti, hah! I still remember saving throws...

James, 大便?Teehee. And on Jan. 2, 拉屎, etc...

jww1066   June 5th, 2010 10:51p.m.

Yeah, that's about the level of my sense of humor. We were recently in Santa Barbara and visited the historic Mission church. In the men's room they had a chalkboard and a sign: "If you must leave a message, please use the chalkboard instead of defacing the walls." I left the message "大便了吗?" I wonder how long that'll stay up.

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