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Tone error during definition test

DependableSkeleton   June 11th, 2010 10:48p.m.

Sometimes (actually often) when I'm being tested on the definition of a character, I will also test myself on the tone of the character and I'll get it wrong. If it's not too difficult (to program and to use), it would be nice if there is a grading circle beside the pinyin that lets me change the grade for my tone.

Thomas   June 12th, 2010 7:45a.m.

I've thought about this too, easy access to grading the other 'parts of study' would be helpful.

Sometimes a character I can read comes up and I mark it a 3 while I'm thinking 'Yeah, but I couldn't write it for my life.'

At the same time, I hate to see them add more clutter to the jam. Even the drop down menus are full of options now - these guys have been working too hard.

dfoxworthy   June 12th, 2010 7:56a.m.

You should let the tone test be the sole test of it. Don't worry if you can't write it if it is a definition test. That is a large part of how the computer tests you. They mix it all up and each part is tested separately. Grade yourself only on what it is asking. The computer will sort know how good you are at the rest and test you appropriately.

DependableSkeleton   June 12th, 2010 10:19p.m.

In general I like to let the SRS algorithm take care of itself. But it feels weird to let something pass when I *know* that I don't know something.

sonorier   June 13th, 2010 2:26a.m.

yeah, like the others said, the system is designed for this.

I don't study tones anymore on skritter though, I use the definition study as tone study as well. So if I know the definition but not the tone, I mark it 2, or 1 if i am way off, for example two or more syllables wrong, even if i know the definition.

BTW, I tried the reading practice but it didn't load. What's up with that?

Byzanti   June 13th, 2010 4:47a.m.

sonorier - once reading practice is enabled, you have to add new words (or re-add old words) to get reading practice prompts.

sonorier   June 13th, 2010 5:32a.m.

i mean the page didn't load, tried several times.

Just tried again and this time it worked, must have been a temporary problem.

nick   June 17th, 2010 6:06p.m.

To provide grading toggles for parts that aren't being prompted is not very doable because the review information for those parts isn't loaded for those prompts. If we added it, it would slow item load times down. I do think it would be nice sometimes to tell Skritter, "Oops, forgot X early", but it's not something we've found a compelling interface for yet.

You could star it and then hit it later with the starred words cramming.

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