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sound effects

sonorier   June 13th, 2010 2:22a.m.

what is this supposed to do? I switched it on, but there are no sound effects. What did happen was that after every item i get a message like 'learned items, writing: +1' or something similar.

Neil   June 16th, 2010 7:22a.m.

There are sounds for scoring a question at 1 or 4, the '+1' events as you mention, and sounds for time spent like 15min, 30min, 1 hour.

Can you hear the audio of each character and word as they are studied? the sound effects volume should be the same as that.

nick   June 16th, 2010 3:39p.m.

The volume on the sound effects is controlled by the same volume control as the syllable pronunciations, but the sound effects are quieter (so as not to be distracting). And I haven't actually made a sound effect for the +1 learned messages, so it's still a bit weird for those to be controlled by that setting.

Byzanti   June 16th, 2010 4:01p.m.

I think what the OP is wanting, Nick, is more sound effects. Much like a Chinese fair ground shoot the balloons game. Basically, after every stroke you need a chorus of "太帮了!” ,“不错!”,and “很菜!”.

+ explosions. + dragons.

Byzanti   June 16th, 2010 4:04p.m.

(Edit: 太棒了 )

nick   June 16th, 2010 4:19p.m.

Well, when we get that microphone, I'll make some dignified noises into it and see what I can't come up with!

sonorier   June 22nd, 2010 12:45a.m.

If OP is Original Poster, than no, not exactly. :)

Just wondering what I was supposed to hear.

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