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total list failure?

jimryb   February 20th, 2010 9:45p.m.

I had a custom list going with several sections, and then I added a new section. Everything went as usual. But when I went to practice, Skritter said there were no words available.

I checked my list and somehow ALL the words were deleted, from every section (the sections were still there, just empty).

I tried everything I could think of but nothing worked, so I started over from scratch and made a brand new list. But that list has the same problem: once I go to practice, it no longer acknowledges its existence. And when I try to change which section I'm studying, the only sections in the dropbox are from the first (now non-existent) list.

What's up with that?

nick   February 21st, 2010 11:55a.m.

Did you press "Validate Words", then "Add N Words to List" before saving the list? I think what you're describing would happen if you validated the words and didn't finish adding them to the list.

I know, it's really unintuitive right now. But we've got plans to fix it! Scott has a post with more info in this thread:

jimryb   February 21st, 2010 2:05p.m.

Yes, I did validate. I have made that error before, but it didn't delete sections that I had saved on previous occasions.

murrayjames   February 21st, 2010 5:17p.m.

Nick, I'm having this problem too.

I'm doing the same thing I've always done: Add Sections, Add Words. Then Validate Words, Add Words to List, Save.

After saving the list is there but the words are gone.

nick   February 21st, 2010 8:04p.m.

Uh oh. This is not looking good. Sorry for not double-checking this earlier, but I can reproduce the issue. I'm not sure whether the words are actually gone, but they're not showing up.

While we investigate, I'm disabling list editing.

scott   February 22nd, 2010 10:25a.m.

The problem appears to have been a bug with the new upgrade to jQuery. We've switched back to the earlier version of jQuery for the time being and I'll be doing some thorough bug testing with the new version before we return to the newer version.

I looked through the backend but I'm afraid the list info is gone. Anyone who saved a list this weekend will have lost their data for that list. Sorry about that guys, but there's nothing we can do to retrieve those lists. As I fix this jQuery bug I'll add more tests to the list editing system to make sure data isn't removed like this.

I've figured out who has lost data due to this bug; I've just added two weeks to each of their accounts and notified them by email. Sorry again guys!

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