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Simplified to Traditional

克里斯   October 8th, 2010 8:59a.m.


I just thought that it might be interesting to have a special feature for traditional vs. simplified characters. I.e., the simplified version is shown and the traditional shall be written. This should not influence the general statistics of course - sort of a game maybe, but with spaced repetition nevertheless. Could come in different levels like the categories at Fanjian from Berkeley www.language.berkeley.edu/fanjian/start.html

Am I the only one interested in such a feature or would it be a good addition for the Skritter comunity in general?


brucejackson   October 8th, 2010 9:51a.m.

I'd like some type of integration too. I'm not sure of the best presentation, but I think your suggested idea would work for me.

In my case, but I am interested in ShuFa, and of course, it is mostly done using traditional, but I am primarily focused on simplified for now in order to improve me literacy skills.

nick   October 9th, 2010 11:39a.m.

That would be a complicated feature to put off. What do you think of this, simpler, way of doing it instead?

克里斯   October 9th, 2010 2:14p.m.

Hi Nick. Good point, I missed that thread aparently. It's not 100% what I had in mind, but I think the idea behind it is the same. I want to learn the traditional characters but be able to read PRC books and papers. I guess at that point, writing simplified would be quite easy anyhow.

At the moment I just learn both. Guess that's slower but I'll arrive nevertheless. But if the feature requested in the other thread is easier to implement than my suggestion, I'd like to see it as well.

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