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Taipan   September 28th, 2010 7:01a.m.


I having some issues understanding how the practice section works.

I added a list to practice, and did all the words. Then a little later I added a couple of new words to the list. When I go to the practice section to study the new words, they are not being added automatically from the list (in fact, my list is no longer on the active lists settings thing). So, I manually add the new words to the queue and go to the practice section again. Now I am being shown words that are not due yet, then randomly a new word from the queue, then some more not due words.

Any suggestions to how I can just see my new words or words that are due for review? Its quite annoying if I have to search through not due words to find what I should be actually practicing.


skritterjohan   September 28th, 2010 7:06a.m.

You can add all the words from your queue by doing the following:
1. click "active lists"
2. pause all your lists (click the pause button behind every list)
3. close "active lists"
4. add words manually using the green plus sign

When you have no active lists and you manually add words they will only come from your queue.

As to why words wore not being added from your custom list, I found that if you add words to existing sections of a list or you add sections to a list you are already studying, they might not always be picked up until you remove the custom list from study entirely and then later go back and add it for study again. At that time it will go through the list again skipping everything you are already practicing and also add the new items.

Taipan   September 28th, 2010 10:05p.m.

Is there no way to not show words that are not due when practicing? Its quite counter intuitive having them show up when they are not actually due. If you are not paying attention you may end up practicing stuff you should be doing in a week and messing up the spacing algorithm.

Thomas   September 28th, 2010 11:45p.m.

If you practice early you wont necessarily 'mess up' the algorithm I don't think, you're just not being very efficient with your study time.

Either way, you should get some more words added to your list. My favorite way to add a lot of new words is by cramming a new list or section until I'm overloaded with new words, then switching back to normal practice mode once my thirst is quenched. Don't let it get out of hand though or you'll be hitting the 'save me' button tomorrow!

After you get a bunch of new words for your brain to chew on, you can worry about restarting your lists and getting the automatic flow going from your account settings.

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