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beta mnemonic feedback to Nick

lennier61   June 12th, 2010 4:44p.m.

Dear Nick

I have been using this beta option for a while and it works fine, good job.

The only issue is that when I am trying to remember how to write a character there is no way to show my mnemonic (SHOW DETAILS) without showing all the extra data that will reveal everything.

How can I acces just my mnemonic phrase?

sonorier   June 13th, 2010 2:22a.m.

??? If you click on 'show mnemonic' it just shows the mnemonic phrase.

Christian   June 13th, 2010 4:08a.m.

I'm also enjoying the mnemonics a lot. Ever since using them, I discovered that Skritter has a lot of users with a very nice sense of humour! So thanks to everyone that contributed some funny and memorable mnemonics.

That said, one suggestion for improvement: It would be nice if it would be easier to see when there are multiple mnemonics available. Also, is it possible to delete my own mnemonics somehow?

sonorier   June 13th, 2010 4:29a.m.

and an option do delete and edit forum posts! I just read this post half an hour ago and still made a new topic about something mnemonic related, should have posted it here, sorry.

Byzanti   June 13th, 2010 4:46a.m.

Christian - as long as no-one else is using them you should just be able to untick the shared box, or erase whatever's in the mnemonic box.

Christian   June 14th, 2010 10:21p.m.

Byzanti, thanks. I should have just tried it first: Deleting the contents of the mnemonic box actually deletes the whole thing. Just the way it should be.

nick   June 15th, 2010 12:37p.m.

I'll put it on my list to move the indicator for how many mnemonics there are out so you don't have to start editing the mnemonic to see it.

I am not sure how we would allow access to the "show mnemonics" button without opening the character bubble...

sarac   June 15th, 2010 10:07p.m.

I was not in the beta group so this is new to me...

First reactions:

The component parts (which may or may not be inherently related to the mnemonics) are helpful. The only hitch is that they often run beyond the area of the screen that I can see on my netbook. Don't change anything on my account... may not be possible anyway.

Some mnemonics are "too helpful" as others have pointed out, many are about right, some funny - there are a variety of skritter-ites out there!

Since I don't have time right now to fiddle with a new feature I wanted to turn off others' mnemonics. I clicked on "shared" inside the box and I think that worked. However, it wasn't clear what clicking that box really meant. Also, it seems like that option should be at a higher level - on the settings page probably since it affects overall practicing not just the individual word/char on whose page I found it.

I continue to be impressed by how hard you all work, by how responsive you are to users and how well you take your feedback/criticism. Well done.

Byzanti   June 16th, 2010 4:03a.m.

sarac, shared means that if you write a mnemonic and have the box ticked, then others can also see your mnemonic. If it's unticked, they can't see yours.

Does the shared box show up for other people's mnemonics? That might explain why it's confusing. I can't remember.

DependableSkeleton   June 16th, 2010 4:21a.m.

I'm a bit confused about the 'shared' button too. It seems like it's a bit too easy to select someone else's mnemonic and have your shared button ticked so that you end up resubmitting the same mnemonic as your own. At least that's my guess as to why some people have submitted the exact same mnemonic as someone else.

sarac   June 16th, 2010 7:10a.m.

Byzanti -
Thanks for your response. Yes, the box shows up when other people's mnemonics are displayed. I guess the box has a different meaning when you haven't written one yourself. I checked the box and I thought all of everyone else's mnemonics disappeared at that time but I guess I just went through a long sequence that no one else had created them for but others have appeared since then. I am surprised that there isn't a way to avoid seeing all of them. Or maybe I should not be surprised that I haven't figured out how to do that yet.

Wait a minute - it seems to be different now. I am seeing mnemonics only after I write a character but no checkbox so I cannot get rid of them? I guess I remain confused about how it supposed to work but I'll just wait until it settles out.

You beta-testers were eager to use mnemonics but some of the rest of us might choose not to use them and would rather not see them. Or maybe we're just slow to take advantage of the benefit.

Byzanti   June 16th, 2010 7:32a.m.

sarac: if you want to get rid of a mnemonic, you have to click on the mnemonic area and use the delete/backspace key. The shared check box only decides whether or not other people can see things you've written. It doesn't make any difference to what you see. Also, the consensus seems to be we don't generally want to see other people's mnemonics by default..

Dependable Skeleton: Nick's said that's on his to sort out list.

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